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New Year, Better Me!

Happy New Years my lovelies <3

I hope you all had an incredible Christmas break & New Years and now ready to smash 2022!

I was so lucky to have my brother and best friend fly over and spend the break with me, which was so amazing and so much fun. Here is my favourite snap from the holiday <3

I writing this blog to share what has come up so far on this trip as I have learnt so much about myself from trusting my gut, to I am brave and everything is an experience like I have stated in the title of this blog; New year, Better me! My focus is creating a better version of myself and understanding me on a deeper level so i'd love to share my biggest insights so far:

Firstly I thrive and have more energy when surrounded by people, over the past month I have spent a lot of time on my own and I always thought that I would love unlimited alone time however this trip has shown me that people actually lift my energy. Sharing my thoughts and feelings with others makes me a happier, bubblier person which reminds me of the inspirational Brene Brown she shares connection is the energy felt when you feel seen, heard and valued. Always being alone doesn't allow you to feel seen, heard and valued so if you know someone is by themselves maybe check in, send a text, FaceTime them or even better drop by and say hello.

On the other hand I am so grateful I have had this alone time as it has created this opportunity to learn more about myself and make me appreciate the people I am so lucky to have around me, in Thailand and back home.

Secondly this trip has confirmed that the race track is definitely my happy place, please don't get me wrong the island I am staying on is absolute stunning however I am very driven person who needs action, challenges and speed to stay upbeat and focused. Everyone I have met here are super chilled which is beautiful to be around however it doesn't motivate me to work hard or smart for that matter. It makes me want to chill and treat myself to massages, eat all the yummy foods and drink cheeky cocktails. What I trying to say is I lack discipline when my surroundings are relaxed, which is a hard pill to swallow for my very goal focused, non stop independent mind. This realisation has been a shock to me as in 2020 when we were locked down I had all the time in the world, no race tracks to keep me happy however my purpose was pushing me and not allowing me to relax even though I was in a relaxed environment. So yes, I have been thinking about my purpose for this year, my push, my motivation, what makes me smile and I realised it's coaching and supporting others.

As a result this trip has really made me understand that the path I am on regarding my coaching business is 100% where I need and want to be. I get to be surrounded by people which then increases my energy and happiness plus I get to support them achieve whatever their goals and dreams are. #bruceybonus

Let me please clarify mindset coaching isn't just for people who are feeling a bit lost, yes that's how I stumbled across this incredible service but coaching is for anyone who wants to thrive, change something or maybe just like me this year; be a better version of yourself.

I am so grateful I have come to Thailand and now understand and trust myself more. I am also excited to return home and really focus on what lights me up, I have already started planning new programmes to launch in the next coming weeks and feel very aligned which instantly makes me smile.

In closing I am not going to make myself feel guilty for enjoying the pure relaxation and pampering that I have endured and will continue as I know the second I return to the UK, everything will be full stream ahead. I am allowing my feminine energy to flow and it feels beautiful, plus after the 2 crazy non stop years I have had I bloody deserve a break! 😜

Love you all from my hammock,

Dani x

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